Monday, August 5, 2013

The Coach To Remember Amazon EBook Short Story

I always reserve this space for wine tasting so forgive me for being a little selfish trying to promote my first ebook short story "The Coach To Remember." The story is about a fun time in my childhood when playing baseball was all that mattered.

Many of my friends have read, provided feedback and enjoyed this short little story about a group of little league players who eventually became overachievers. Thank you for your kind words. Our coach, my dad believed you should learn to play the correct way....integrity, honor, fundamentals and fun. Each player regardless of ability should have the same opportunity to learn and participate. No one person was bigger than the other, we win or lose as a team. Maybe more coaches should be like him.

Looking at old pictures as I put the words together brought back a lot of emotions and memories. How simple and carefree life was at that time. I miss hearing my Dad's goofing daily calls even after a year and a half of him being gone. Cleaning out an old closet one day we ran across some of the pictures. We laughed for what seemed hours, lost endlessly in time. Writing this was my way I guess of keeping his memory alive. Even when I stop by the old park, I can hear his voice. One time I was standing at home plate as this little guy rolled up on his bike. He had his baseball bat, 2 gloves and an old ball. "Hey mister my dad had to stop and get a couple new bats for our team. I am supposed to pitch today. Can you warm me up?" Crouching behind home plate I offered words of encouragement "Not to hard, loosen that arm up before you start throwing heat." After about 15 minutes I said "Alright lets hear that glove pop." He stopped and looked at me so funny. "My dad says that same thing when I warm up." "So did mine." It was one of my former teammates youngest boys. How funny.

I would be honored and humbled if you purchase and read my first short story. Once your finished, please review it on Amazon so others can view how you enjoyed the story. Here is the link The Coach To Remember for only $0.99

Thank you and I hope you enjoy.


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